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Our Services
Missinaibi drilling service Environmental Drilling division provides contract drilling services to engineers, geoscientists and various clients in the Canadian market and includes;
- Environmental Soil Sampling
- Split Spoon and Shelby tube sampling
- Installation of Monitoring Wells
- Geotechnical evaluations using Cone Penetration Test (CPT), Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Dynamic Penetration Test (DPT) with Automatic Drop Hammers
- Concrete & Pavement Coring
- Geological Exploration Equipment and Services, including mine tailings and overburden sampling
Soil sampling
Environmental investigations often require the collection of various soil and groundwater samples at locations where conventional drilling equipment can`t access. We developed effective methods to collect soil samples, install monitoring wells and get the job done.
When you are working in the environmental field, it`s more than equipment, our staff has the can do attitude and are always aware of the impact that our work has on your reputation as professional.
We can collect split spoon samples as well as Shelby tube samples.
- Hollow Stem Augers
- Solid Stem Augers
- Pavement & Concrete Coring tools
Geotechnical Services
We specialize in geotechnical drilling and can do all of the following:
- Standard Penetration Test (SPT)- ASTM D 6151-97 Penetration Test (CPT)
- Split Spoon Sampling
- Field Shear Vane Testing- ASTM D 2573-01
- Shelby Tube Sampling- ASTM D 1587-00
Monitoring Wells
Environmental investigations frequently require monitoring wells. With our drilling systems and expertise we’ll ensure you get the well you want at the depth you want.
Geological Exploration
Our drilling system is one of the best methods of generating preliminary results without having to incur great infrastructure costs. Our rig can be mobilized into a site with only 2 helicopter moves. This method has proven very effective for sampling overburden and surface soils while looking for indicator minerals. Our systems have proven to be a cost effective method to undertake preliminary work at your site.
Creative Ideas
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Super Safety
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24/7 Support
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